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  • 執筆者の写真Harumi

2024/1/29 Crystal Vox - Miss you feat. George Takai & Harumi 配信リリース!!!


Crystal Vox  -  Miss you feat. George Takai & Harumi

1/29 大人でエレガントな80'sサウンドを贈るインスト・バンド!Crystal Vox(クリスタル・ボックス)登場!!!全世界に向けて同時配信リリース。孤高の天才ギタリストGeorge Takaiがギターとベースで参加。JP Funk FamilyのHarumiもボーカルで参加。心躍る音楽の旅をお楽しみください。

1/29 marks the debut of Crystal Vox, an instrumental band offering a sophisticated and elegant 80's sound for adults! They will be simultaneously released worldwide, featuring the enigmatic genius guitarist George Takai on guitar and bass. Harumi from JP Funk Family also contributes vocals. Embark on an exhilarating musical journey that will lift your spirits!

Miss you feat. George Takai & Harumi

Lyrics: Harumi Music: Rikoran Arrange: Tetsuji Nishigaki


Produced & Arranged by Tetsuji Nishigaki

E.Guitar & E.Bass: George Takai

All Vocals: Harumi

All Instruments & Programming: T2z


Produced & Directed by Tetsuji Nishigaki

Mixed by Yutaka Hori

Mixed & Recorded at Holy Sound Studio

Recorded at Rant Studio

Mastered by Yutaka Hori

Mastered at Holy Mastering

Executive Producer: Tetsuji Nishigaki (Rant & Co.) 


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